03 October 2011

Review of the "Learning Theories Webquest" website

In addition to my groupmate Paul's comments, I have also prepared my review to this e-learning website as follows:

The link of this website is http://people.cite.hku.hk/dchurchill/LTwebquest/

It is a very good website. It is so colourful and attractive. I am interested to further explore this website. This e-learning course makes use of the Problem-based learning (PBL) approach to motivate the students learning so as to have a deep understanding of the Learning Theories. PBL approach is getting most students to use the higher cognitive level processes in learning. In the "Facilitator's Guide", it clearly defined the Purpose (Learning Objectives LOs), Target audience, Prerequisities, and Assessment criteria of this e-learning course. PBL also helped to align the LOs, TLAs and the assessment tasks. I liked the "Resources" area, it provides a collection of useful resources links for the students easily access the resources. There are three activities in the "Learning Process" including the Mindmap, Template, and the Proposal. All these TLAs are fully aligned with the LOs.

I suggested some improvements to this website:

1. It will help the student learning if we could add some multimedia content (ie Video).
2. Integrate the online discussion into this e-learning course which allows for the students to have online collaboration, discussion, and feedbacks.
3. The technology used to build this website was too old (ie. the pop-up window). Suggest to rebuild this website using the latest web technology.
4. Integrate the online quiz into this e-learning course.
5. Provide links for more Mindmap software to facilitate the students.
6. Use the LMS (ie. Moodle) for the peer assessment.


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