28 November 2011

Demonstration videos of “iSpring”, “Quizlet” and “GoAnimate”.

There is a blog "Learning by Doing" written by a Taiwanese, he shares his experiences of using some web 2.0 online applications with detail demonstration videos. I think it is good to share with someone who is looking for a way to work with “iSpring”, “Quizlet” and “GoAnimate”.

The demonstration video of iSpring.

He shows all the steps of preparing a "quiz" by using Quizlet.

Using "GoAnimate", you can create your own cartoon by just type in all the scripts to the assigned characters via the program. (you don't need to worry about the design and drawing technique.)

In fact, there are some links that I share to RISAL, but I have no idea why I've just can't search it back via my name "kwongkalaptimothy". Therefore, I post them here as well.

Pedagogy and teaching practice

Seven Technology Tips for Younger Elementary

Learning Resources

Learning by Doing

14 November 2011

Week 8 - Reflection (What I have learnt from MITE6024?)

I have learnt the followings from MITE6024:

1. Identify a lot of ICT tools and resources to assist teaching and learning. Construct and share my collection of resources in RISAL.
2. Identify new tools to develop Digital Stories to improve the student learning experience.
3. Identify the differences between Web1.0 and Web 2.0. Relate the difference to the development of Learning Objects.
4. Apply the understanding of the SOLO taxonomy levels of understanding to assess the learning activities of my course.
5. The importance of citation, quoting, referencing and avoiding plagiarism in my research and writings.
6. Describe the Learning Theory frameworks (Behavorism, Cognitivism, Constructivism) by generating a Mindmap relating the concepts together.
7. Identify the usage of Mobile devices and relate these usages to the design of the learning activities. Consider the use of Mobile Technology in the design of the learning environment.
8. Critically evaluate and reflect upon theories, concepts, and contents learned from MITE6024.


Week 8 (Final Week) - What I've learnt from the module (MITE6024)

1. To learn how to make use of technology (specially web 2.0) in teaching and learning activities.
2. To get more new teaching and learning technology information, and trend from the module.
3. To learn the pedagogy relationship with technology.

The Final Week - Things Learnt from MITE6024

Things I learnt from MITE6024:

  1. New concepts in conjunction to learning with and through technology.
  2. The definition of mobile learning goes way beyond 'a laptop'.
  3. A series of Web 2.0 applications that I had rarely or never used prior.

Week 7 - Mobile technology at my workplace.

If you ask whether my workplace has any facility that support mobile technology, I can tell you that there is no specific facility in my workplace that supports mobile technology. But only WebCT and the web mail would be able to access via mobile devices such as iPad, iPhone, and all devices that come with web browser.

But these web access facilities would provide us different functions via using mobile device and regular desktop computer browsers. For example, when you log-in the Web Mail by using regular desktop computer browser, you will find that the preview function that Microsoft Outlook provides more powerful and more viewable compare with using mobile device browser.

Regular browser:

Mobile browser:

But in the case, WebCT has no such functional different. When you look at the following screen capture from a regular desktop computer browser, and a mobile device browser, all function keys / buttons are there, the only different is the layout of the web content. Thus, I can assume that, this WebCT has no optimization for mobile like Microsoft Outlook.

Regular browser:

Mobile browser:

Week 7 - Followup Activity

Consider uses of mobile technology in your school or workplace.

I haven' t got any experience in using mobile technology in the school. I can only think of using the Blackberry to check the company email while I am working outside office. In considering the uses of mobile technology in the school, I think that the mobile technology can be used in the following areas of the school:

1. EBook replaced the textbook
It is obvious that we can use the Amazon Kindles or iPads to replace the bulky textbooks. It is a good news to the students and parents. The students do not need to carry the heavy textbooks to school everyday. The price of the e-book version of the textbooks are much cheaper than the paper edition. Moreover, it helps to save the trees (environmental friendly). According to Professor Bob, the electronic version of the books also help to evolve the development of the e-Library.

2. Outdoor activties and research
We can use the mobile technology (ie. GPS logger, mobile cam, pda, iPad) to support the outdoor activities and mobile data collection. The students can use these mobile devices to collect the field data (ie GPS position, photo, map and sound). The uses of these mobile devices can assist the students to achieve their learning objectives of the outdoor activties.

3. Textbook supplement
The multimedia capacities of the mobile devices can improve the students' learning experiences. Through the use of mobile technology, the students will be able to access the supporting multimedia to provide additional explanation of concepts in the traditional printed textbook. The following example of multimedia (Digital Storytelling in iPad):

4. Inspiration tool
With the use of mobile devices (ie PDA, iPad), students have more access to the premier visual learning tool that helps them to achieve clearer thinking, better writing and improved performance. It's an inspiring new way to expand thinking and learning across the curriculum.

5. Communication and collaboration tool
With the use of mobile technology, every teachers and students can access the intranet and central database of the school. They can get the up-to-the minute school information. Any information such as timetable changes, events and notices can be circulated to everyone without the delay of a paper-based system. Moreover, the teachers and students can use the mobile devices to collaborate with each others and construct their knowledge.


13 November 2011

Week 7 - Uses of Mobile Technology at my Workplace

There's more to mobile technologies than just having a device to access email and Facebook at school.

How students and teachers utilise such technologies for teaching and learning is something to look into. As a teacher that uses mobile products, I can share from my experience.
Here are some of the ways they can be used:

As a photo/video capture device and multimedia tool

Thanks to the advancements of camera quality in recent smartphones, such devices can double-up as pretty good cameras for taking both photos and videos. The media can then be uploaded to a school website, teaching blog or wiki for students to learn from. 

Clips can also be edited with software to create tutorials, announcements, podcasts and other informative videos.

Below is a sample of a video I shot using just an iPhone 4
(which will later be used for our Campus TV):

 As a centralised paper-reducer solution

Almost any teacher will agree that they don't like carrying lots of paper and heavy books around. Why not try consolidating your notes and learning materials onto an iPad 2? That's exactly what I do, and it's hard for me to look back.

What you need is a mobile device (iPad 2), a centralised 'cloud' storage solution, a variety of apps and an INTERNET connection.

With regards to 'cloud' storage solutions and apps, I use 'Evernote' (www.evernote.com) to make notes on the iPad for reference purposes. I use 'Dropbox' (www.dropbox.com) to upload and download my work materials. Knowing that my notes and files are in one centralised location, I need not worry about certain files being in different, hard-to-find locations (e.g. different computers on campus, or even at home).

Naturally, a cloud solution can only be effective with an Internet connection, so you must ensure your devices have WiFi or 3G.

As a convenient research tool brought to students

Students can now use iPad 2 devices (and a WiFi connection around campus) to work remotely in various areas around school wherever they feel comfortable - including their own classroom. Students won't have to bring themselves to the technology (students walking to IT labs to use computers) - the technology will be brought to them (iPads delivered to a classroom to be used by students).

This results in students having access to their subject materials (regular subject books) and an Internet communicator on their own desk at the same time.

As an example, on the left side of the desk they could have an iPad for researching Internet materials (via. Safari). On the right side of the desk they could have their regular exercise books, textbooks and other subject-specific resources.

Very convenient!
As a collaboration tool

Mobile devices can be used by students to collaborate on projects and various subject-specific tasks.

You could have lots of students connecting to a Google Doc (docs.google.com) to work on a project, or students working concurrently on Evernote Premium (www.evernote.com/about/premium) to gather notes and ideas into one convenient location.

Mobile devices can be used by students to collaborate on projects and various subject-specific tasks.

You could have lots of students connecting to a Google Doc (docs.google.com) to work on a project, or students working concurrently on Evernote Premium (www.evernote.com/about/premium) to gather notes and ideas into one convenient location.

Law Ting Pong Secondary School (LTPSS) has an App! :)

My school recently released an iOS App called 'LTPSS'. It works as a handy portal for staff, students and guests to learn about our school and find information on what our school provides etc. It's also acts as a portal for the school intranet.

07 November 2011

Week 6 Mash up Activtiy

Week 6 - Interactive Map of Wong Yi Chau using J2E ( by Anthony Cheung)

This activity is to use the J2E to create an interactive map of Won Yi Chau. I use the Community Walk to identify Wong Yi Chua and draw a scale on it. I copy the map onto my J2E page.

I find the "Star Trail Time Lapse @ Wong Yi Chau, Sai Kung" video and put it on the top of my J2E page. Moreover, I found the embed code for Google translate and paste this into my J2E page. Please click this link to view my J2E page.


week 6 - Crocodoc (Crocodoc.com)

This week, I found a very useful web site that help student to work together. This web 2.0 web site called “Crocodoc.com”.

With This web site you can share your documents with someone else in Word, and PDF format.

It also can let people to review and make comments on your documents and presentations. Once your use Crocodoc to share your document, then you don’t need to email attachment back and forth in order to get the document approved.